Himalayan Salt Bowls A beautiful and easy way to get the benefits of Himalayan Salt! If you are looking for something special to serve your family or friends, look no further than a Himalayan salt serving bowl. These bowls are completely free of toxic chemicals and...
Himalayan Salt Balls Are you looking what are Himalayan Salt Balls? Himalayan salt is known for its therapeutic properties which include the ability to relieve muscular aches and pains, promote healthy bones and joints, and fight off infection. Himalayan salt ball...
Himalayan Sea Salt Urn For thousands of years, people have been using salt as a way to dispose of their dead. The earliest known burial urns date back to the 5th century BC. At that time, Egyptians would bury their dead with a salt mixture in order to preserve the...
Giving and receiving gifts is a way to strengthen bonds and increase love among people. When it comes to gifts, there is no better present than Himalayan salt. There is nothing else that is as effective at detoxifying and hydrating your body as Himalayan salt. Not...
300 Pound Himalayan Salt Lamp Salt lamps are one of the oldest known natural ways to cleanse and purify our environment. The crystals of Himalayan sea salt release negative ions charge that can be absorbed by our bodies and into our air and remove the negative effect...
Himalayan Salt Decor It’s no secret that Himalayan salt is a unique and beautiful natural stone that comes from salt mines in Pakistan. But did you know that Himalayan salt has many other amazing benefits? Himalayan salt has been used for thousands of years as a...